主讲:蔡宗齐 教授
著有:The Matrix of Lyric Transformation: Self-Presentation and Poetic Modes in Early Chinese Pentasyllabic Poetry(University of Michigan, 1996)、Configurations of Comparative Poetics: Three Perspectives on Western and Chinese Literary Criticism(University of Hawaii Press, 2002.)、A Chinese Literary Mind: Culture, Creativity, and Rhetoric in Wenxin diaolong( Stanford University Press, 2001)、How to Read Chinese Poetry: A Guided Anthology(Columbia University Press, 2008.)Chinese Aesthetics: The Ordering of Literature, Arts, and the Universe in the Six Dynasties(Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2004)、How to Read Chinese Poetry:A Guided Anthology(editor, Columbia University Press, 2008)、How to Read Chinese Poetry Workbook(co-authored with Jie Cui,Columbia University Press, 2011)英文著作译本有:《比较诗学的结构——从内文化、跨文化及超文化视角审察中西文学批评》(刘青海译,北京大学出版社,2011年)、《汉魏晋五言诗的演变——四种诗歌模式与自我呈现》等。研究领域涉及古典诗歌、古代文论、比较文学、美学、比较哲学、经学与佛学等。此外,目前还主编英文杂志《Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture》(JCLC),并负责英文网站中国诗歌文化论坛(chinesepoetryforum.org)和《岭南学报》复刊等事务。